HERMÈS women's brown leather Hobo-style handbag with delicate white contrast stitching detailing throughout the bag, including at the back. The bag's body is smooth leather, whilst the sides and bottom is a contrasting grained leather. This handbag has one short shoulder strap (smooth, brown leather) with a silver-tone metal buckle allowing for the strap length to be slightly adjustable. The tote does not have a closure apart from a matching brown square flap with Hermes logo stamp which allows the bag to not be fully open at all times. Inner lining is a brown suede material and the bag has one large compartment inside as well as one flat pocket on one side of lining.
Material: Leather
Condition description: Very good condition, as new never worn. Comes with original dust bag and orange box packaging.
Measurements: Width: 40cm; height: 45cm; depth: 13cm; handle drop: 27cm